Scientific name: Dendrobium congianum Aver.English name: Vietnamese name: Kim điệp côngOther name:
Perennial clustering sympodial epiphytic herb. Rhizome very short, creeping, simple or few branching, (0.5)1–1.5(2) cm long, composed densely allied stem bases. Roots few, white to light gray, flexuose. Stems densely clustering, terete, erect, rigid, slightly swelling, (5)7–14(16) cm long, (4)5–6(7) mm in diam., with (5)6–10(12) nodes and (2)3–5(6) leaves in apical part; young stems glossy yellow-green, enveloped by white to light greenish hyaline leaf sheaths densely haired by short black hairs, old roughly grooved, dirty gray-brownish, naked or with brownish papyraceous sheath remains at nodes. Leaves, distichous, sessile, sheathed; sheath tubular, as long as internode or little shorter, completely disintegrating or remaining in form of papyraceous remnants on second-year stems; leaf blade conduplicate, with prominent median vein, suberect or oblique, herbaceous to coriaceous, broadly oblanceolate to narrowly obovate, (2.5)3–6(7.5) cm long, (0.8)1–1.6(1.8) cm wide, obtuse, shortly unequally bilobulate at apex, sparsely hairy with short black hairs adaxially. Inflorescence 1(2), arising from the apical part of mature leafy stem, suberect, 1– 2(3) flowered, very short (3)4–6(8) mm long, light green, black hairy, with 1–2 small narrowly triangular, scarious, light yellowish, hairy, sterile bracts (2)3–4(5) mm long, (0.6)1–1.4(1.6) mm wide. Floral bracts, light greenish, narrowly triangular, straight, conduplicate, tapering and acute at apex, (4)6–8(10) mm long, (1)1.5–1.8(2) mm wide. Pedicel and ovary light green to almost white, cylindric, glabrous, (3.2)3.5–3.8(4) mm long, erect, curved at apex; ovary slightly longitudinally grooved. Flowers horizontally oriented, widely opening, rather coriaceous, (2.2)2.4–2.8(3) cm across, white, lip disc white or with light pinkish tint. Sepals spreading, narrowly ovate, attenuate, (1.5)1.6– 1.8(2) cm long, (6)7–8(9) mm wide; lateral sepals at the base oblique broadening to (1.4)1.6–1.8(2) cm wide, forming long, cylindric, slightly curved, obtuse mentum, (0.8)1–1.2(1.4) cm long, (2.2)2.5–3(3.5) mm wide. Petals spreading, narrowly obovate, round and finely irregularly undulate at apex, as long as sepals, (8)9– 11(12) mm wide, distinctly broader than sepals. Lip 3-lobed, rhomboid in outline, (1.9)2–2.2(2.3) cm long and wide, glabrous, recurved; side lobes erect, straight, obliquely obovate, 1.4–1.6 cm long, 0.8–1 cm wide, round and finely irregularly crenulate at apex; median lobe narrowly obovate, 8–10 mm long, 6–8 mm wide, strongly recurved, irregularly denticulate and crisped along the margin; disc with simple low, wide fleshy keel and fleshy lateral nerves coming to side lobes. Column white, erect, stout, shortly cylindric, 3.5–4.5 mm tall, 2.6–2.8 mm wide, at apex with prominent lateral triangular-subulate stelidia 1.5–1.8 mm tall, slightly exceeding operculum; stigma large, sub-circular, concave; rostellum in form of small, fleshy, truncate plate; column foot much longer than the column proper, thick, concave, 1.5–1.8 cm long, 2.8–3.2 mm wide, slightly forward curved. Anther cap white, simple, obscurely cubiform, rather smooth, 2.2– 2.4 mm tall and wide, at front truncate, in basal part long papillose. Pollinia 4 in two pair, yellow, narrowly oblong ovoid, each 1.8–2 mm long, 0.3–0.4 mm wide.
Species is named after its discoverer Mr. Vo Van Cong.
Habitat, phenology and conservation status. Clustering epiphytic herb. Primary broad-leaved evergreen forests on granite. 1500–1800 m. Fl. March– April.
Very rare.
Estimated IUCN Red List status – DD.
Vietnam province: Lam Dong (Dalat City area).