Tasks & Missions
Botany Vietnam Group (BVN Group) has functions of studying and popularizing the specific application of the plant resources of Vietnam for the life. The website has function of supporting and popularizing the botanical achievements and the scientific and industrial applications that support for the productive and living of personal Vietnamese population and human in general. Accessing with BotanyVN website, all the required information of scientific and application studies of Vietnam’s plant resources is support and it also supports the most importance and update scientific information of the application in reality development and exploitation on agriculture and industry fields such as the questions of species and variety choosing that suitable with the local conditions. The website also supports the most basic knowledge that easy to apply in the real such as choosing of fresh vegetable resource, type of vegetable /fruits that best support for the health, the methods to grow the ornamental species or the study of the medicine herbs…
The supporting of basic knowledge of botany for students and pupils, the good ruses of experiences in ornamental growing for the elders, helping the house keeper to prepare the meals that best for the health with the types of vegetables, fruits, roots… are major functions of BotanyVN website.
Beside that, BotanyVN also supports the ways and ideas that help visitors find out the natural beauty and particularly interesting from the ecotourism at the natural/ resort / protected areas or national parks, special supporting includes knowledge that help tourists fall in line with the nature and have basic to safety in adventure tourism.
Nowadays, young man have a lit of knowledge to be fall in line with the nature, special with pupil. The is a part of website that personal support for kid that help our offspring to approach lively with the nature and the world of plants in many interesting way such as pictures, videos or the test.
And in addition, BotanyVN has function popularize the local and traditional knowledge about plant using, special in application of herbs medicine that improve the health or maybe show the way to treat some cancers or other serious disease or finding out the new medicine resources to reduce the pharmacy’s cost price that manufactures in Vietnam are importing it with high cost.