Paphiopedilum villosum is typically an integral element of mountain tropical forests of Indochina. Despite wide commercial collecting, this species remains relatively common in remote montane areas that are inaccessible to commercial collectors. …
Paphiopedilum callosum in Eastern Indochina belongs to typical herbaceous elements of broad-leaved, evergreen, warm-loving, lowland and submontane pristine forests. The species commonly grows here at elevations of 300-1000m (1000-3200 ft). …
The taxonomy of the species of Cupressaceae indigenous to Vietnam is reviewed. Cupressus tonkinensis Silba is considered the correct name for the Cupressus in Langson province, not Cupressus torulosa. The genus Xanthocyparis is reduced to a subgenus of Cupressus and the new combination Cupressus vietnamensis (Farjon & …
Abstract: Results of preliminary studies of last remnants of Glyptostrobus pensilis native populations in Vietnam are presented in the paper in form of standard taxonomical treatment with comments on ecology, population structure and natural conditions of its habitats. Perspectives of conservation of this unique Tertiary …