During recent years, these books have proved usefull for many scientists, managers and fieldworkers both in and out of the forest field, assisting them in their research, and in the direct utilisation of forest tree resources.
In the present period of rapid change and increasing international cooperation, many foreign scientists and businessmen are coming to Vietnam for research and commerce in the forestry field. In an effort to assist them in their investigations, some members of FIPF and their colleagues have revised the text of these volumes and translated into English with financial support from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Nowadays, based on the requirements of many Vietnamese and oversea readers, JICA and Department of Forestry continue supporting the authors for the second edition of the book: Vietnam Forest Trees.
In this edition, 39 species of natural and plantation trees are supplemented.
We hope, this book can meet the need for all readers and we also hop that our Depatment and the authors will receive many constructive comments from colleageus and readers so that the book may be improved in its next edtion.
The preface of the book by Department of Forestry - Vietnam MARD
Reference: Forest Inventory and Planning Institute, 2009, Vietnam Forest Trees, Hanoi.