The article presents results of a research on morphology characteristics and distribution of Jewel Orchid species Anoectochilus setaceus Blume at Xuan Son National Park, Phu Tho Province. Morphology: a terrestrial herbaceous plant with a fleshy, elongate rhizome. Stem erect, fleshy, 2- to 6-leaved. Leaves are simple, entire and alternate. Rhizome and stem glabrous, white-green, sometimes purple red. Inflorecence terminal, loosely 4- to 10-flowered; rachis 5-20 cm tall, purple red pubescent. Flowering from October to December, fruiting from December to March of next year. Distribution: at tropical closed evergreen seasonal broad – leaved forest or subtropical evergreen broad – leaved forest, in humus-rich soil on sparsely wooded slopes; alt. above 900m, around Ten mountain. It may be seen Jewel orchid along streams, under the tree canopy where wet.
Phung Van Phe
Vietnam Forestry University
(Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rular Development - MARD Viet Nam. No 11/2009)