Si to (Valeriana jatamansi Jones) is a rare valuable species listed in the Red Book Vietnam 2007 and the Red List of Medicinal Plants in Vietnam. In this paper the authors presented results of study on propagation and cultivation of this plant in Sapa, Lao Cai province and Tam Dao, Vinh Phuc province. The data show that asexual propagation by cutting of mother plant into branches of rhizomes is the best method to produce propagules. Density, quality of fertilizer and season of growing effect on growth, development and mass of Si to plant. We have cultivated an area of 20.980 sq.m in Sapa (Lao Cai province) and Tam Dao (Vinh Phuc province), and collected 250kg. These materials provided for scientist to cary out studies on chemistry, pharmacology and pharmaceutics. The paper discussed the protocol for cultivation and development of this species.
Pham Thanh Huyen, Ngo Duc Phuong, Le Thanh Son, Nguyen Quynh Nga
Nguyen Tap, Dinh Van My, Ngo Quoc Luat, Vu Thi Tuyet Mai, Nguyen Duy Thuan
Institute of Medicine Materials
(Proceedings of 3rd National Scientific Conference on Ecology and Biological Resources, Hanoi 22th October 2009 - IEBR)