Ta Phin is a commune in the high mountains in Sapa district, Lao Cai province with total natural area of 32.54km2 and population of 4030 people in 2008. Due to the complexity of terrain, the natural conditions are very diverse. Main ecological factors affecting vegetation in the study area are landform, climate, soil conditions and human activities. The terrain elevation is the cause of differences in thermal - humid conditions, soil characteristics and the formation of two altitudinal belts of vegetation: subtropical vegetation belt and temperate vegetation belt. Natural vegetation consists of the following vegetation types: subtropical humid closed evergreen forest, temperate humid closed evergreen forest, closed mixed forest and secondary vegetation types such as shrubs, grasses, and bamboos. Planted vegetation types are plantation forest, rice fields, vegetable farms, and orchards. Lowland areas have been used mainly for agricultural development. This research on natural vegetation will be the basis for the sustainable use of resources, economic development and protection of the ecological environment.
Kieu Quoc Lap
College of Science, Thai Nguyen University
(Proceedings of 3rd National Scientific Conference on Ecology and Biological Resources, Hanoi 22th October 2009 - IEBR)