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To grow peanuts codename L23

Last modified on 11/4/2011 at 10:21:00 AM. Total 5633 views.

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) as food plant, legumes which fertilized soil, oil crops with high econo-value, is grown in over 100 countries worldwide, with an area of ​​nearly 22 million hectares, output of shelled-peanut reaches 33 million tons, including peanut production in developing countries which is 10 times more than of the developed countries. In Vietnam, the peanut is an important product for export and production of oil that Vietnam has to import. Moreover, the role of peanut especially important in agricultural systems in semi-arid tropical regions such as Vietnam, where climate change and farming is especially difficult. Among peanut growing countries of Asia, Vietnam ranks fifth in production, but productivity is low.

In recent years, Vietnamese scientists in peanuts research has focused on review the progressive and typical experiences in manufacturing practices, engage the scientific achievements in peanuts researches over the world, proposals planting new peanuts growing techniques widely which will be available to help farmers increase productivity lost in Vietnam.

This peanut codename L23 is chosen by the Center for Beans Research and Development (Institute of Food Plants) among those from the group of China's introduction in 2001. Already trials tested by the National Center for Testing of Seed, Plant Products and Fertilizer Producing in 2007 in the provinces of Vinh Phuc, Thanh Hoa, Hanoi, BacGiang, PhuTho, NgheAn. Two peanut varieties L23 performed the advantages of disease resistance and productivity. Yield trials of varieties L23 reached 41.06 kg/ha, higher than the comparative varieties L14 (L14 reached 35.60 kg/ha).

The peanut varieties L23 are morphologically in the Spanish form of vegetation, standings stem, compact canopy, good anti-dumping, dark green leaves, grow strong, concentrated blooming, infected leaves (brown spots, black spots, rust) at average level. Volume of 100 fruits weigh from 145-150 grams, 100 seeds weigh from 58-61 grams, the percentage of core from 70-72%, has the potential to yield 50-55 quintals per hectare. Pink shell of the core suit the tastes of consumers, are subject to intensive breeding. Planted in the two seasons (spring and the autumn-winter crops) on soil mechanically composited with mixed sandy, light soil, easy drainage. In 2009, the Center for Scientific and Technological Advances Application ò Hai Duong province Department of Science and Technology has been put into trial production in two districts of Nam Sach, Chi Linh that gave good results, and initially, finish the techniques of new peanut varieties L23 grown specifications in Hai Duong as follows:

* Land Requirements

The most suitable land is land with a light soil which irrigation, drainage easy.

* Land preparation

25-30 cm deep plowing and harrowing thoroughly clean and pick up weeds before bed every canal.

* Time for sowing

Spring crop

Fall-Winter crop

10/02 - 15/02

20/07 - 10/09

* Fertilizer

+ The amount of fertilizers

  • Urea nitrogen: 80-100 kg/ha
  • Super Phosphate: 500-600 kg/ha
  • Potassium: 160-200 kg/ha
  • Manure: 15-20 tons/ha (manure can be substituted by Song Gianh organic phosphate at level: 500-700 kg/ha).
  • Lime powder: 450-500 kg/ha

+ How to apply:

  • Lime powder applied liners 1/2 row before slitting, 1/2 left fertilized at the root fertilizing
  • The entire amount of fertilizers should be mixed into the rows lined canals already prepared firstly (every 10-15 cm deep ditches), manure applied last, after fertilization fill a 2-3 cm thick layer of soil to sow the seeds are not exposed directly to the division.

* Size and density of plant beds

Ditches are 1.3 m wide (both tracks), after it became fully guaranteed beds in rows 1.0 m wide were planted into 4 rows along the length of the bed. Distance of 25 cm row to row and hole to hole is 18-20 cm sowing 2 seeds per hole. Flat land can grow into a broadband 2-3 m, then row sowing canal, between the band should have drainage. Peanuts were planted after the first soil layer 3-5 cm, to ensure adequate soil moisture after sowing (especially for spring crop).

* Care

  • First time hoeing (roughly): When plants have 2-3 true leaves (after growing 10 to 12 days)
  • Second time hoeing cleaning weeds: When plants have 6-7 true leaves (before flowering), hoeing depth 5-6 cm close to the root, and do not root earth.
  • Third time hoeing cleaning weeds after the original match cultivate flowers ro 7-10 days (only slightly earth soil to the peanuts' root).

* Watering

  • In the spring after planting to ensure irrigation and soil moisture to germinate seeds, if not enough humidity, low temperatures have prolonged strength will lose germination of seeds, reducing the density of trees per unit area. Also, if the dry weather to water in the second period, before flowering (plants with 6-7 leaves) and time to fruit. Irrigate into the slot 2/3 bed and keep soaking before pour.
  • In fall crop, due to the frequent heavy rain, excessive moisture, so pay attention to drainage and avoid flooding would rot the seeds and sprouts.

* Prevent from deadly diseases to the seedlings

Treat the seeds before sowing with fungicide Rovral 50WP 0.3 grams per 1 kg of seeds, or spray Carbedazin 0.5 to 0.7 liters/ha.

* Prevent from leaf disease

Using Daconil, Anvil, Bayleton 0.1 to 0.3% or 0.2% zinhep, Boocdo injection 1 time after 25-30 days of growing, second time is 15-20 days after the first time to prevent deciduousness. In the spring crop, attention should be prevention of bacterial wilt by the end of the regular damage as temperatures, high humidity. Starner 20WP should be use at mixture of 18-20grams/10 liters of water to spray in case that the plants suffer from diseases that need wiped out to avoid spreading.

* Prevent from primarily insect control

Major pest on peanut is zebra worm, green worm, aphids. Use a steamer pesticides such as SHERPA 25EC, Padan 95SP ... to prevent. Attention to early detection and timely prevention of worms in age 1 and age 2.

* Harvesting and storage

  • Choose a sunny day to harvest. Harvest when the number of old fruits on the tree seize about 80-85% total fruits applied in case of commercial products. Peanuts for seeding preservation should be harvested  from 5-7 days earlier than the ones in case for commercial purpose. After plucking, fruit snacks, washed, dried under sun light until the silk skin is peeled.
  • Exposure and peanut seed preservation: must do under the hot sun, silverware, clay (not exposed directly on the yard of bricks, cement). After exposure have to cool them and then put in plastic bag or tightly covered jar jars to cool and dry place.

Quoted from Hai Duong Department of Science and Technology website

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