‘Nam Roi’ pommelo is the seedless cultivar, high quality at the Mekong Delta. Nevertheless, fruits of the cultivar have many seeds in the practical production. Causing seeds of the fruit is vestigated in the study. Flower of the cultivar is a hermaphrodite, which has a wet stigma on opening time, average 30 anthers/flower, 150 ovules/ovary. Moreover, their pollens germinated average 33% in vitro condition, comparing 40% of ‘Da Xanh’ pommelo (Citrus grandis cv. ‘Da Xanh’) and 56% of ‘Long’ pommelo (Citrus grandis cv. ‘Long’), and 13% of ‘cam Sanh’ [Citrus nobilis (Lour.)]. Pollen tubes growth of self-pollination hand of the cultivar were stained by aniline blue and observed them UV fluorescence microscopy, in which there were 2,335 pollen tube growth in stigma, 426 in upper style but their absence in lower style as well as in ovule. On the contrary to, when using pollen of ‘Long’ pommelo took cross pollination with ‘Nam Roi’, pollen tube growth reached to 3,177 in stigma, 1,142 in upper style, 136 in lower style and 117 in ovary. Number of seeds of cross pollination of ‘Nam Roi’ received 114 seeds/fruit while their self pollination was absolutely absent. Basing on the results, it can be considered that seedless ‘Nam Roi’ is self-incompactible fertilization. The seeded fruit of ‘Nam Roi’ is caused by cross pollination.
Key word: seed, seedlessness, pollen tube, ‘Nam Roi’ pommelo.
Le Van Be, Nguyen Van Kha
Can Tho University
Bio.Jour. 3/2010: 32(1):51-56