There are 1,168 species of useful flowering plants belonging to 619 genera and 139 families in Kon Tum province . Among them, there are 182 timber species (29 families, 111 genera), 745 medicinal species (122 families, 472 genera), 159 ornamental species (32 families, 89 genera), 109 edible species (41 families, 79 genera), 130 vegetable species (49 families, 89 genera), 42 dye producing species (16 families, 27 genera), 17 fibre species (8 families, 13 genera), 10 essential oil species (8 families, 10 genera), 52 species (13 families, 37 genera) provide food for animals. According to the Vietnam Red Data Book (Part 2. Plants. 2007), there are 62 species in endangered situation (EN), 34 species in vulnerable situation (VU); the plant resources must be protected and sustainably developed.
Tran The Bach, Do Van Hai, Bui Hong Quang