Cananga odorata, is called Ngoc Lan Tay in Vietnam and it is also known as Ylang-Ylang tree. The 8-10 leaf seedlings were intercropped with bananas at a density of a 2m x 2 m spacing in Giong Trom district, Ben Tre province. Major components of the soil are clay (47-49%) and silt (41- 43%). The soil is slightly acidic with underground water at the depth of 40 - 60cm.
One year after planting, the trees have reached 217.8 - 220.5 cm in height and 5.38 - 5.45 cm in diameter (measured at the first two leaves); while about 90% of the bananas trees producing fruit. Subsequently, all banana trees were removed and tops of C. odorata trees were also cut off at a distance of 2m from the ground. This is a trial on density of 3 levels. A non-thinning plot is considered as control. The second treatment is maintained at a density of 2m x 4m and in the third treatment, a density of 4m x 4m is maintained. Observations were taken to measure size of trees at one year after removal of tree’s tops. It was recorded that there was not much difference in diameter of tree in all three treatments and the average was about 8.66 cm. After 0.5 year of the top removal, the trees started flowering and the quantity of flowers collected 4 times varied from 67.4 to 71.93 g per tree.
Pham Van Ngot, Quach Van Toan Em, Tran Cong Danh
Padagogy University, National University of Ho Chi Minh City
(Proceedings of 3rd National Scientific Conference on Ecology and Biological Resources, Hanoi 22th October 2009 - IEBR)